Return and exchange policy
Our priority is your satisfaction. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your CASSY purchase, we have implemented a simple return and exchange policy to ensure you have a worry-free shopping experience. We make online returns easy through our returns portal .
Items you wish to return or exchange must reach us no later than 14 days from the date you received them .
We do not cover return shipping costs, and we do not provide a return label. You must post your package with the carrier of your choice. We cannot accept returns after this period.
Here is the return address: ASAR / CASSY
6 rue de l'artisanat, ZA Des Boulays, 49130 Ste Gemmes Sur Loire, FRANCE.
Each return must first be requested on our returns portal and your package must include the return form, otherwise your return cannot be accepted if no request on our portal has been made.
Return Conditions:
- Items must be in their original condition, with all tags completely attached and sent in their original packaging.
- Please return everything that was in your package, including the thank you card, gifts, etc.
- Shoes must not have been tried on outdoors and must not show any signs of wear. They must be free of any trace, even slight, of wear, dirt or damage.
- Items must be free of makeup, hair, tears or stains.
Return and Exchange Process:
To initiate your return or exchange request, please access our online returns portal by following this link: Make a return/exchange request You are requested to download, print and carefully complete our returns form , which you will then need to include in the package that you will return to us at the address specified in the form. Please note that returns will be processed within 14 days of receipt of your package and proof of deposit, excluding weekends and public holidays. The refund will be made to the original method of payment used during the purchase.
No returns to relay points are accepted.
If you prefer an exchange, please specify the new size or model desired when requesting your return online as well as on the form included in the package. We will send you the replacement item as soon as we receive and process your return.
Important Notes:
We reserve the right to reject returns if they are shipped beyond the specified return period, if they are sent to a different address than the one indicated, if the shoe box is missing, if the items are in unsellable or used condition, if no return request has been made on the return portal or if the item was purchased on sale or at a discount. Any return deemed abusive will be returned to the sender. In the event of non-compliance with our return conditions, we will be forced to reship the items to your delivery address, subject to delivery and handling fees at your expense. Please note that sale and discounted items (black friday) are refunded in the form of a credit note.
Our customer service team is here to help you at any time. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need assistance with your return. Thank you for your trust in our brand.